Game of Being (the)

An early incarnation of a nature-based Game-world, where users could gradually acclimatize to the advanced immersive qualities of virtual interfaces, learn about various features of virtual immersion (including ‘brain-wave’ control) and also unlock insights into a secretive ‘Lore of Being’.  This ‘code of being’ – an ‘open code’ that can change if science reveals new revelations - was drawn from natural inspirations and famous texts. Both the Game and the Lore intended to promote positivity and harmony in users of Virtual Reality, where concerns were already growing about its more harmful properties. The Game of Being was closed down, partly due to ‘Neurocean Line’ incidents, and partly due to damage from hackers. There is still uncertainty as to the real cause. However, due to its development by certain members of the Firecube Academy, its legacy and its lore (which is still widely known) was to form its successor: the much-rumoured, nature-island of ‘Fountellion’ in The Spiral.

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