Ready Player Green? VR Game Concept 'Fountellion' goes CC0 via Writing NFTs.....

Updates 2021+...


What brought you to this webpage? 

Fountellion will tell you.... but this conceptual/virtual island.... needs... You! 

Play the AI Adventure Game....coming soon via POE (TheFountain)...
Also the Journey to the Dreamspire version....

Follow! latest (origin) writings & updating fragments on the Paragraph publication (free) + collectible NFT writings
+ (older entries) via Medium...

There is also a Gitbook site aimed at a potential NFT community of green folk interested in helping to build or expand the game + metaverse project, based on unfolding stories, fragments and concepts.

Note that all new ideas and (expanding) writings and content now live in the public domain (CC0).

The Discord server is early stage, so please visit Fountellion X account for invite (@greenmetaverse)

Older NFT Collectors! The First NEWORLD Awaits...

The Fountellion in The Spiral Origin collection on Ethereum (Opensea, 2021+) includes collectible items from 'In The Spiral' and 'Fountellion in The Spiral'. These serve to help break down the key components of the project and chronicle new ideas and fragments. 

Each NFT also may serve as 'keys' for holders to access extra content along with the power to influence and govern the concept and future of Fountellion (a CC0 nature game concept open to anyone). They may help it evolve, as myself or other (Medium etc.) contributors add any new content.

If you're interested in being part of the concept for a first, truly evolving 'green game' + metaverse, then please get in touch of follow twitter @greenmetaverse

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